Studio Trigger

Studio Trigger

Studio Trigger is a Japanese animation studio known for its distinctive and bold visual style. Founded in 2011 by former Gainax staff, Studio Trigger gained fame for its vibrant and energetic animation, exaggerated character designs, and intense action sequences. The studio quickly gained a cult following with its debut television series, 'Kill la Kill' in 2013, which showcased its unique blend of over-the-top animation and compelling storytelling. Studio Trigger's visual style is characterized by its dynamic camera work, fluid animation, and eye-catching color palettes. The studio's works often feature larger-than-life characters, often with exaggerated proportions and expressive facial features, creating a sense of visual excitement and impact. Studio Trigger's signature style has influenced many subsequent anime studios and has become synonymous with high-energy and visually stunning animation.

Use this with Midjourney or Dall•E

SOMETHING in the style of Studio Trigger

See also

Hiroyuki ImaishiYoh YoshinariKill la KillLittle Witch AcademiaGurren Lagann